Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Record audio in background in android

Service class to record audio in background :

below is the service to record audio from background and save them to sdcard on desire location.

public class AudioRecorderService extends Service

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Record Video in background without preview in android

Yes, you can record the video in background .........

 First, create a app with an activity and add a service class .

service class need to be registered in your mainfest file,

like this :
   <service android:name=".BackgroundVideoRecorder"/> 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

chat head like facebook programatically in android

You can simply use a service class to show a chat head like button on Screen.

Global access to a service can be enforced when it is declared in its manifest's <service> tag. By doing so, other applications will need to declare a corresponding <uses-permission> element in their own manifest to be able to start, stop, or bind to the service.

Don't lose faith when you see others receive answers to their prayers

An elephant and a dog became pregnant at same time. Three months down the line the dog gave birth to six puppies. Six months later the dog...


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