Thursday, June 22, 2017

Hilarious HR Interviews indeed

Best interview of the year.....Leaked the questions n answers for u :P Hilarious HR Interviews indeed : Interviewers ask routine questions to candidates ....Some weird answers.... Q - Tell us about yourself ? A - Yourself is a pronoun used when the subject and the object of the verb are you. 🤓 Q - What are your expectations ? A - Salary. 🤑 Q - What challenges did you face in your previous job ? A - Staying awake after lunch !! 😴 Q - Why do you want to join our company ? A - Nobody else is taking me. Your company is closer to my home.... 😋 Q - What attracts you to our company ? A - The receptionist !! 😍 Q - Why did you leave your previous job ? A - Previous company shifted the office and they didn't tell me the new address !! 🙄 Q -Are you willing to travel 20 days in a month ? A - Yes...but just don't ask me where I had gone...!!


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